The Hamara Group comprises several entities whose combined vision is to
release the productive potential of Africa. These include Sondelani Ranching (Pvt Ltd), T.M.G. National, Ebenezer Training Centres, Hamara Foods / Food Processing / Food Stores / Farmer Centres / Feeds / Chicks and Projects. We believe the power of Africa is in her people who have enormous potential, most of whom are small scale farmers who live in naturally productive areas.
We have therefore has concentrated on agriculture and more specifically, small
scale farming. 

Our foundation, vision, inspiration and hope is in Jesus alone. It is his life in and
among us that gives us the call and the stirring that we need to be able to create
the largest agribusiness that supports small scale farmers and unlocks the po-
tential that is in Africa

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The Hamara Group believes that farmers need to be fitted into a value chain that is market-pulled. We are based around creating agri-business value chains. Although we have many different brands, we fit under the same vision. We believe it is through this value chain shown below that we can unlock Africa

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The Hamara Group is the brand identification and trading-as name of Sondelani Ranching (Pvt Ltd), a Private Limited Company registered under the Companies Act of Zimbabwe. The company is owned 9% by the PAJIC Trust and 91% by the Nu Life Trust, which is devoted to the development of the people of Africa, in line with the legislation of Zimbabwe.

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Chicken Production

Hamara Chicks is located in Umguza. This division focuses on the production of broiler, layer & Sasso day-old chicks, point of lay birds and is the only registered poultry breeder in Matabeleland (and one of the few in Zimbabwe). Hamara Chicks is the largest supplier of day old chicks in Bulawayo and the Matabeleland region. 

Hamara Feeds is located in Queenspark, Bulawayo. This division focuses on poultry feed production whilst producing other stockfeeds to order.


Hamara Farmer specializes in being a one-stop shop for all small scale and commercial farming needs, supplying world class inputs for agri-cultural production. From day-old chicks to point-of-lay birds, feed and vaccines to equipment and layer cages, cropping and irrigation inputs.
Our principal store, Hamara Farmer Centre Bulawayo, is located at 47b Fife Street, btwn 3rd & 4th Avenue. Higrow stores are also found in several locations across the country. 

Hamara Food Stores specialize in retailing agricultural produce and general household groceries at wholesale prices. Hichoice markets sell all bulk produce from Ebenezer, TMG farmers, self-financing farmers &
contracted outgrowers.
The vision is to take produce from farm to family reducing middlemen and cost and ensuring quality and freshness. 


The primary focus of this division is contract growing of broiler chickens
with small scale farmers. Most of our farmers are rural and are located in the Maphisa/Natisa area (Ward 15), each doing between 1,000 and 3,000 broilers per cycle. We have also expanded into Kensington, a peri-urban area outside Bulawayo, and we are opening new areas. This division is a key supplier to the major abattoirs in Bulawayo.


The primary focus of this division is the mobilization and training of small scale farmers


The Hamara Group is a significant player in the following product lines:

Broiler and Layer Feed

The animal production system, may be broadly classified as traditional, conventional and organic with their distinct characteristics.

Day Old Chicks

Day old broiler, layer & Sasso chicks, point of lay birds and live /
slaughter-ready chickens

Arable Farming

Vegetables Seedlings and Vegetables


Hamara and TMG have recognised the huge potential of small-scale farmers and has introduced this model into Matebeleland to unlock the productive power of these farmers. The picture shows a vertically integrated value chain.

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